Hello my lovelies on the home front!
I hope you are all keeping well! I am writing from Barcelona. It is our second day here, and I have to say, I am absolutely in love with this city! Of all the cities we have visited so far, Matt and I have both agreed that this is the first one that we feel like we could live in. It is absolutely beautiful and has something for everyone- beaches, running paths, biking paths, university, boating, the arts, pretty much you name it and it is here!
Yesterday we spent the day on the beach which was exactly what we needed. As much fun as hostels can be, they can also limit the amount of sleep you get, especially where you are sharing a room with ten or so people. So we spent the day lounging and swimming in the Mediteranian Sea (which rocks by the way)! The water was unreal- crystal clear and SO warm! Very thank ful for the nice weather so far!!
As I´m sure most are aware, spending 24/7 with another person can be fun, interesting, funny, fascinating, and the list goes on. I am really enjoying spending this trip with Matt- we call it our reunion tour, as it is the first time we have really spent significant time together since going off to university. But today we decided to take a day apart for ourselves and re-fuel I guess you could say. I was very excited to explore the city on my own, but a little nervous, as Matt has been the one guiding this DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED girl around haha! So, as I set out on my own, I decided I had two options: 1) look at the day from a "glass half empty" position since I am horrible with directions and always get lost, or 2) look at the day from a "glass half full" position, and use this day as my opportunity to prove to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to...including making my way around various tourist sites and back to the hostel in one piece. I won´t lie, at first I wanted to cry, give up and head back to the hostel (as we separated after our first stop of the day). But out of no where I got this incredible surge of energy and determination to prove to myself that I could manouver around the city without help, other than a map (perhaps a metaphor for future endevours?)
As cliche as the it may sound (lets face it- we all love cliches), you really can do ANYTHING you put your mind to, even if it seems like the most impossible thing you could imagine. Without a crutch to lean on, I forced myself to learn from my mistakes and navigate with the tools I had. By myself I travelled the city and was able to navigate to several of (in my mind) the most difficult sites to get to (uh, they were on a fricken mountain) and made it home by foot in one peace. I have NEVER felt so proud of myself, seriously. I told myself I would not let myself settle for taking a cab, or asking directions. I knew deep down that I could do this. I wanted to share this with everyone because for those who know me, you know I can´t get anywhere without mapquest to save my life. But I am very happy to say, I have taken a great risk, conquered my fears and what I considered a personal disability, and see this experience most definately as glass half full.
I love you and miss you all!!!
Love and friendship always,
I am super proud of you Kaila! Thanks for keeping us updated on life and all that jazz. Jealous! Homework = not super exciting....