WE HAVE ARRIVED!! After over 48 hours of being awake, we arrived in Paris. The entire first day we were here, we both agreed that it didn't feel like our adventure was actually happening, or rather, it was TOO hard to believe. We had talked about travelling for so long, and now that we were standing on Paris ground, it took a while to sink in.
Day one:
We arrived in Paris around 1pm (Paris time; 7am Ontario time). We took the subway from the airport, to a stop near our hostel and then hussled our way down the cobble stone street until we reached OOPS HOSTEL. Manouvering around the city came surprisingly easy to us, despite the intense and complicated underground system. Hostel rocked right away, as we were put in a room with 3 Australians...very cool people. We spent most of the day walking around (must have walked at least 10 km) getting used to the streets, where things are, etc. We joined the Aussies for a night on the town getting a taste of the very fun night life in Paris. In case you didn't know, people just drink in the streets, pouring outside night clubs and bars. I will post pictures to facebook, but I can tell you that it was a very relaxing and fun experience! Communicating here is very easy, as many people speak english. But I must give props to Mme. Holmes for my basic french knowledge- it has come in very handy! haha!
Day Two:
Key to a great sleep? Stay up for 55 hours, then go to bed and sleep for 8 hours straight. We felt completely refreshed this morning as we headed out to explore this magnificant city! First stop was the Louvre- very easy to get to from our hostel, and a VERY beautiful part of Paris. All I could think of when I first got there was the film "Davinci Code". Quick line took us right into the museum which begins underground. The museum blew my mind!! There are so many different levels and rooms and the most incredible art!!! Of course we went to Mona Lisa first, and the crowd at 9 am was huge. Highlight for me was definately the Apartment of Napolean (pictures to come).
After the Louvre we walked to Notre Dame Cathedral which is along the Seine about 1.5 hours on foot. Great walk, beautiful weather and great company (awwwww haha). The Cathedral is on the Island but very easy to get to, as there are several bridges along the way. Its so fun in the city because most places you go, you can catch glimpses of the Eiffel Tower, which got us soooo excited!! Notre Dame is no doubt gorgeous and incredibly moving. Matt and I sat for a long period of time just observing the UNBELIEVABLE architecture, and it was so relaxing after so much walking.
Then we walked from Notre Dame down this street that reminded me of a much busier Dundas Square type of area (x50). This took us to the Arc de Triumph (sorry for my horrid spelling!). From there we made our way towards the Eiffel Tower (yes, all on foot) and spent the better half of an hour looking for a supermarche (grocery store). We got some baquettes, cheese, meat and champagne (yes, we paid £1.19 for a bottle of champagne) and took it to a park below the Eiffel Tower. We spent about 4 hours here just hanging out and taking in Paris life (which we LOVE by the way)! Very cool- you can pretty much drink anywhere in Paris in public!! As the sky darkened, the Eiffel Tower lit up with the most OUTSTANDING light show. We lay on the grass and watched the Tower light up the city thinking, "Boy, this is the life..."
As you can imagine we are pooped, we have blisters on our feet, and our bodies ache. But I can tell you one thing...It was TOTALLY worth it!
Miss you all!
Big love and friendship from Paris,
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